Friday, July 29, 2016

Review - Suavectio Pomade

Company: Suavectio
Product: Suavectio Original
Location: Santa Ana, Ca

Today I’ll be reviewing one of the most beloved and controversial water based pomades in the community. My first introduction to it came from a Luxury Barber Box and it’s called Suavecito. All products have some sort of following but Suavectio has reached cult like status. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a pomade user who hasn’t at least tried it once. You can buy just about anything with the company logo on it and what a great logo it is. A male skeleton combing back his hair into a pomp. Once you see it you’ll never forget it.

The color and scent of Suavecito as described by many is a cola bay rum mix which is fairly accurate and I can’t get enough of it. People are always commenting about how nice my cologne is and of course it’s Suavectio. The texture is a slightly thick gel which is easy to scoop out of it’s plastic tub and apply.

I find the performance to be top notch for my hair. I’ve used this consistently in my rotation and it’s never failed me. Very easy to apply just adding small amounts as needed to damp hair. The wait time before setting is minimal with absolutely no tugging or pulling it’s simply a breeze to style with a comb or brush. I use the original formula and find it has the right amount of hold for my hair style with a medium hardness and a nice shine. Lasts most of the day and if a touch up is needed with a dab of water to a comb restyling can be achieved in seconds with the same hold as when I first applied it.

Another great thing is the price. you can find this for $8.00 - $11.00 for 4oz. It would be a challenge to try to find a better performing pomade for the money. The product line is extensive with original to firm holds including beard and mustache waxes then premium blends which includes high end pomades, shaving creams, after shaves then you need to add the woman's products as well.

So if you need a pomade that doesn’t break the bank and gives you great performance then this ones for you. If you need extra hold, try Suavecito Firm Hold. I have only one issue regarding this product it sometimes leaves your hair a bit dry so take a note of that. 

For your Information:
Company: Suavectio
Product: Suavectio Original 4oz Around $8.00 - $11.00
WebSite - Suavecito

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