Saturday, November 19, 2016

Review - The Blades Grim / The Shave Soap Solution

Company: The Blades Grim
Product: Shave Scents - The Shave Soap Solution
Founder: Luke Webster  
Location: Sandpoint, ID
Website - TheBladesGrim

When the kickstarter was first announced back on August 23 it only took 30 days to achieve its mission. 172 backers raised $13,173. Luke started to ship on the 28th but when he did he upgraded everyone. $5.00 pledges upgraded to include a soap, the $8.00 pledges upgraded them to include a Brush and the $15.00 pledges upgraded them to include a Black DE Razor!

So what is this kickstarter all about? Did you ever want to make your own signature scent for a shaving soap? Well the time has come. Luke explains his creation as an alchemist kit. It allows the user to experiment with different scents using an unscented shaving soap or cream as the base. My kit includes 12 1oz scents, Straight Razor, Purist Synthetic brush, Unscented Shaving Soap & Shaving Cream, Plastic mixing bowl and a wonderful how to guide for the care and use of a straight razor and let's not forget the alchemist card recording all your creations so you can save and share them with other alchemists.

Some of the artisans of the wet shaving community had reservations allowing the user to have total freedom of mixing scents. So I posed this question to Luke on Aug 24thKnowing you could add a drop or two of an essential oil to an unscented soap to give it a scent is fine but doing so without having the proper knowledge of essential oils could make your skin burn or cause irritation.” Luke answered this question by responding with “We are providing recipes and suggestions for the shaver’s enjoyment. We have a very nice use, care and understanding Shave Scents pamphlet that we are including with all orders.”

That pamphlet never appeared inside the box. They seemed to have gone in a different direction which I verified on the website. “We have custom mixed the scents to our extremely popular Pre-Shave Oil. This oil has recently been re-formulated to mix with our soap which allows our savvy customers to build a 2 in 1 lubricating luxurious lather with pre-shave properties built in (think of it like shampoo + conditioner + your desired scent + awesome).  We know you're going to love it.  We have been working on this for nearly 2 years.  We are excited to see the unique scent recipes / potions you discover with our alchemist kits

The scents included are – Smolder, Cinder, C4 (Citrus + Spice), Vanilla, Mahogany, 6th Sense, Bay Rum, Sandalwood, Tobacco, Hot Chocolate, Toxxxic and Vanilla Ice. For my scent creation I used the following Vanilla, Smolder, Cinder, Toxxxic and Vanilla Ice. I would have selected sandalwood but it had rose added to it and that kind of killed it for me. Also provided in the kit was the plastic tub I noticed some ridges at the bottom of it to help promote lather. Having the oils in front of me I began to create my sent a drop at a time.

I decided to use the shaving cream as my base. Using my brush, I just dabbed it in making sure I had the correct amount and began to tub lather. After what seemed to be seconds a luxurious lather appeared with silky smooth texture that’s rich and creamy. Forget about the the scents this shaving cream is amazing all by itself. It went on like a dream and when the shave was finished the post shave feel was terrific along with some of the some of the best slickness and glide from a shaving cream.

The alchemist kit was fun to use and I’ll be using it again but not right away. They solved the potential problem of having the user harm themselves with powerful fragrances by diluting them in pre shave oil a smart move for sure. If I had the chance to do it over again I would have gotten the smaller one with less scents not all of them were to my liking.

For Your information:
Company: The Blades Grim
Website - TheBladesGrim

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