Saturday, April 6, 2019

Duke Cannon - Hot Shave Gel

Company: Duke Cannon
Product: Hot Shave Gel

I was first introduced to Duke Cannon with there amazing bar soaps I think one of the biggest bars on the market and the scents are just fantastic. So I will really disappointed when I got my hands on a tube of there Hot Shaving Gel. What in gods name were they thinking? First off gels just don’t work well for anyone and I’ve reviewed many of them and only found one to be any good and it was extremely expensive, all this product did was piss me off.

The packaging was typical for a modern product flip open top easy to dispense and store. Nice attractive coloring.

The instructions say that you can’t use a brush and you should use warm water first on the face and then massage it in with your fingertips leave it on for 30 sec or so and it should begin to get warm not hot warm even though the products name is Hot Shaving Gel.

So I went about following the instructions and applied the product and in about 10 seconds I started to get numbness around my lips a tingling then it started in other areas of my face. I tried as hard as I could to keep the product on but after a min, I just couldn't take it anymore and had to wash it off as quickly as possible. Not once did I feel the product was getting hot or warm I felt nothing but pain. The tube does say on it that it not for sensitive skin and if anyone has seen my videos they know that I don’t have sensitive skin at all, not the way I shave.

The only thing this has going for it was the scent it was one of the better gel scents I’ve ever come across so far most of them have a chemical smell but this one was different.

That being said I don’t see this lasting too long in the product line. I would bet they pull it in a year or two due to lack of sales either that or a reformulation has to happen for it to stay. No wet shaver I know uses gels to shave with if they do they foam so it lathers this product protected against NOTHING. No slickness glide no shave for me. For now on I refused to shave with anything that might do damage to my skin review or not. My professional advice is to STAY AWAY

Company: Duke Cannon
Product: Hot Shave Gel
Best Price Google

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