Saturday, March 12, 2022

Shaving & Talking #11 Featuring Mr. Warlock & Long Term Care

I had it all planned out, I ordered my coconut oil which I need to continue making shaving soap. I order about 5 8lb buckets at a time and it was to arrive on Saturday. Then I noticed UPS pull up in the truck and I was ready. I had everything set to get right to work and create replenished stock and also new products we want to start getting underway. Once I opened the box I found out my order was filled incorrectly and production could not begin. These issues seem to be happening in all businesses now. New staff members are not up to speed and mistakes are made. I get that shit happens but what bad timing. Needless to say, the correction was made and my 5 buckets of coconut oil are here so I’m hoping this weekend will be a more productive one than last week.

On top of all this, I’m having issues with the place that is taking care of my wife it's all due to a lack of staff which is causing an unsafe environment. I won’t go into detail but I wrote an email explaining what our family members have all witnessed and I’m ready to make a call to action (Legal) but first wanted to hear from them and what they intend to do about the situation. I sent an email off on Saturday to the head of administration and I’m writing this on Tuesday it’s 2:00 pm and still have no response from them. (administration never addressed the email)

So back to today's shave, I’m using Mr. Warlock an amazing scented soap that has been around for a while in our product line. Originally released for the winter holidays but we had such a demand for it that now it's available all year round. 
What makes this shaving soap so special is the eucalyptus which has been out of stock from our supplier for some time. Now back in stock and in my hands, we intend to start production on this as soon as we can. 

Thanks for listening and for your support 

and as always let’s be kind to one another

Don Youngner
Wet The Face

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