Saturday, October 22, 2022

Soap Locker - New From Captain's Choice

This week I have the pleasure of reviewing the new offering from Captain's Choice called the Soap Locker. When I opened the box and saw Scott's letter I have to be honest I really had no idea what a Soap Locker was? A place to store your soaps in? how could a box this size fit most wet shavers' soap collections? Then it became clear just what he meant by soap locker. He explained that it's the ability to lock an average-sized puck into the bottom of his newly designed ceramic bowl.

This bowl had gone through many changes and configurations until his test audience all agreed on this one design which is now for sale on his website. I just love the size of this bowl it's the perfect size for the average puck most wet shavers will use. The thing that sets this apart is the 3 points that are at the bottom of the bowl. Once you place the soap onto these points it will hold on to the puck so you can lather up or load a brush without the fear of the puck moving or forcing its way out of the bowl. I even turned the bowl upside down in our video to show this amazing hold it has on it.

I'm not sure if this is actually safe for travel but it sure seems like it would be great to do a bowl lather with it on vacation. That being said this functions pretty well. The method explained to me in Scott's letter was to comfortably rest it in the palm of your hand palm with the thumb on the logo cradling the rest of the bowl. This method assures that you have a firm grip.

Along with the Soap Locker, we have a full tub of Eucalyptus and the supplied Edger Shaving puck we used for the soap Locker demo.

Overall, I was very pleased with the shaving experience using Soap Locker it performed just like Scott said and I would give this high marks adding to the already wonderful shaving bowls and other fine products he offers.

As for my YouTube video, I talk about the TV show Yellow Jackets & The Patient

As always be kind to one another
Don Youngner
Wet The Face

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