Saturday, February 24, 2024

The SE Noch Razor Review

Finally, a new razor was released by Occam's Razor Team called SE Noch. I had no idea this was going on until my friend Dan pointed it out to me via email. I just had to order one since it was in my price range. The list price is $195.00 but on sale now for $59.98. I would have NEVER purchased it at the higher price.

The packaging has not changed over the years from the Occams Razor line and I had no problems with it. This is a single-edge razor and takes the same blades as the other two razors I have from the Occam's team the original Occams and the N.A.N.O. I happened to use the Feather Pro Guard in all of them.

Loading the blade and assembling the razor was not that difficult but not trouble-free either maybe it was just the fact that I was trying to let the camera see what I was doing all in all it was a quick process.

The handle felt sharp to the touch the pattern was just fine but you almost have this feeling like it's going to cut you somehow but of course, this never happened. Not once did I ever have the feeling that this razor was going to slip out of my hands the grip was that good almost too good.

This razor's performed extremely well. It was a pleasure to maneuver and was able to get under my nose perfectly which in the past was one reason the Occams N.A.N.O was created. Its blade angle was perfect allowing for an irritation-free shave. Any shaving soap or cream will just wash away which makes clean-up a breeze.

I have to say at $59.98 it's a no-brainer purchase but stop the presses at $195.00. You're going to have to show me where the extra $132.00 is for because frankly, I don't see it at that price.


The link to the SE Noch Razor -

Here is the description from the Web Site:

What is The SE-noch Razor? This is the latest single-edge razor from the team at Occam's Razor. This razor has been in development since mid-2023 and we are very excited about bringing it to market. These razors are designed for a lifetime of quality shaving.

The Occam's Team has taken design ideas and best qualities from the Occam's Razor SE line (primarily the ENOCH razor) as well as the Classic Shaving SE lineup. If you liked the shave of the Classic Cobra, The O.R.E.N., or the original Occam's Razor we know you will love this razor. The handle is milled from Stainless Steel round stock and the head is Zinc Alloy & Brass.

Like any product from the team at Occam's Razor, you can expect excellent tolerances, high quality, top-of-the-line packaging, and a group that will stand behind their products.

The SE-noch Razor was designed to be simple. With just 3 simple pieces this razor will soon become your go-to shaver. We have been testing and perfecting the shave for months. We finally have the head, handle, weight, exposure, gap, and all other aspects perfected and finalized our molds.

More blades are not the answer to a better, closer shave. Anyone who has had a shave by a professional barber knows this. There is a reason the professionals only use one blade.

That's all I have today
As always be kind to one another
Don Youngner
Wet The Face

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