Product: Lavender Shaving
Soap / Best Badger Brush
Founder: Sebastian
Location: NorthPort
I love ETSY and if you follow my blog we’ve
discovered some really great shaving products together. (some not so great) Today
I’m happy to report on another amazing find a company called Maison Lambert.
Sebastien is from Paris and currently living in N.Y. A French pastry chef, candle
and soap maker. You can see the care to detail and quality in all of his handmade products. I can say this about his shaving soaps if using Vegan, organic, essential oils
and high quality ingredients are important to you then keep reading.
It all started with a brush. I have many brushes but only
use two in all my videos. Each brush was made of wood hand crafted with care a collaborations
lasting months. Both brushes are true pieces of art but I still wanted
something new so after searching on ETSY I found Maison Lambert. Here I gazed
upon the most unique shaving brushes I’ve come across in a while. The first
thing that caught my attention was the stunning Faux Horn handle. The knot was
a best badger but couldn’t find the knot size on the website but no matter, I knew I had to
have one. I was surprised at the price of only $50.00. Sometimes when you rush
to purchase you miss reading the important things in this case I never noticed
the fact that the brush was 6oz.
When the package finally arrived the brush was nestled in it’s
own black box and stand with the company logo in silver on the front. Once I
had it in my hand I was so surprised of the weight but after my first shave I
had no problems. I used a shaving mug to prep the brush and let it sit in warm
water over night loaded with shaving soap and when it was ready the bloom was fantastic.
I think I’ll be adding this one to all
my new videos for sure.

The packaging was straight forward 4oz white plastic tubs with
screw on lids. black and white labels on
top and the ingredients on the bottom.
The texture of the soap is somewhat loose. My finger was
able to move the soap around with ease. The opening of the tub was wide enough load
your brush from but since I like to bowl lather I opted to do that instead. I
had no issues placing soap in the bowl and with my new brush in hand I ran it
under warm water and emptied it into the bowl and began to lather.
I started getting the lavender scent right away but then noticed
the sweet orange and patchouli coming to the top. In about a minute or so I noticed great peaks and then what seemed like out of nowhere I
created this amazing lather. I even said holy shit on the video review. The coverage
was something to see my 5-day old beard just disappeared into the thick creamy
lather. The slickness and glide allowing me to go over spots with no irritations.
The post shave feel was also top notch.
So as you can tell I had a great shave and give high marks
to both the brush and the shaving soaps. I highly recommend them you won't be disappointed.
For your information:
Company: Maison Lambert
Product: Lavender Shaving Soap $17.95 / Best Badger Brush Faux Horn
handle $50.00
Website - Maison Lambert He has two websites but with ETSY the shaving soap is $17.95 instead of $19.95. Also on Amazon Free Shipping which comes out cheaper then any of them.
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