Attention all menthol heads it’s finally here Cold Fusion my latest release from Wet the Face.
Cold Fusion has the maximum amount of menthol for the coldest shave you'll ever experience and we feel we have reached that goal in bringing this to you. In addition, this formula has pure peppermint oil which is the source of menthol crystals. Next, we added camphor not only to boost this to a new level but it's known to help with irritation and finally, we added on an additional top layer of menthol crystals to push this to critical mass.
In our testing, we have found Cold Fusion to be stronger than Snake Bite, Kronos, Frostbyte and Denali but equal to or if using the aftershave surpassing Cryogenics. We want you to have a great experience with your shave. If you use both the shaving soap and aftershave this will take you well over the limit of Cryogenics but skipping the aftershave allows you a way to control the strength. You can also shake off any additional top layer crystals into the lid of the tub and place them back before your next shave but over time these will dissolve into the soap.
Please test Cold Fusion before committing to a complete shave. We strongly suggest doing the same with the accompanying aftershave as well. Just use a little on your cheek to see if you have a reaction.
Enjoy Menthol Heads!
Don - Wet The Face
Cold Fusion 4oz $12.95
Tallow Puck Version 3.5oz 13.95
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