Saturday, June 27, 2020

Frozen Lemon Ice - Wet The Face Release

Company: Wet The Face
Product: Frozen Lemon Ice

With the summer upon us, I thought it would be a great idea to move up the release date a bit on our new Frozen Lemon Ice. Heaven knows we could all use a break from everything going on not to mention the sweltering heat.

I have to say, I enjoyed the process of creating this packaging design I even tried to create a little something from the movie Frozen which I hope you noticed. It was just a fun way to get the point across.

For this scent, I took the essence of tart lemons and mix it to perfection with a menthol. This tart lemon scent is spot on if you have lemons at home just cut one open and compare.

The aftershave on this one is strong so be careful it packs a punch of menthol so watch your eyes and use very little at first until you get used to the strength.

This will be our last release for the spring, and summer. We will start new releases in the fall and continue right into the holidays.

Be safe, wear a mask, wash your hands, and be kind to each other. Have a great Summer everyone and see you all again in the Fall.

Company: Wet The Face
Product: Frozen Lemon Ice 4oz $12.95    Aftershave $15.00

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