Company: Your Best Face
Product: Shaving Cream Skin Care
WebSite: https://ybf-skincare.com
Sometimes things just get by me but I have no excuse this time. It's all on me and my fault. You see Darrel from Your Best Face sent me an amazing box full of his products with a note explaining to just use them to review them whatever I want and if possible let people know about them. This was a while ago and I just kept putting off the review and now I feel like such a shit. I hope Darrel can forgive me I feel so bad not getting to this sooner because this stuff is amazing!
The beautiful back box that arrived had been created with care and attention to detail inside wrapped in tissue paper were serval items of shaving cream and other helpful skincare products along with this Darrel had added a personal note to me and other informational packets detailing what his products are all about.
I counted four shaving cream jars containing about 2oz each with amazing labels explaining in detail about the product and how to use it. The rest of the product line had similar attention to detail and showed he did not spare any expense to make his line stand out from the others.
As explained in the product information this shaving cream does not lather and for me, it was kind of a letdown. I enjoy to bowl lather any chance I get to do it is a plus but I knew this was different and wanted to step out of my safety zone so to speak and give this a try. It said to wet the face with warm water and apply as needed. The apply as need statement let me know that this was going to take multiple applications but I was determined.
During the shave, I did need to reapply mainly because it was drying and I needed to wet my face again which in turn more product was needed but the overall performance was OUTSTANDING! The slickness and glide had to be some of the best I’ve experienced in 2019 and the post shave feel ranked amongst the highest 100% on my charts.
In every review, we tend to have some dislikes and this one was no exception. My first dislike is the scents not all of them were appealing to me I’m sure it mostly personal preference here but that’s the way it was for me. The second was the clogging of the razor, creams tend to do that and this one followed suit. The third was the reapplying of the product even though the outcome was more than I could image it to be I just hate doing this twice when I can avoid it.
So, this was an amazing product which was the surprise of 2019 for sure and if you can pick a scent that’s right for you like I did and reapply during your shave is not a problem then run don’t walk to the internet and order yours right now your face will thank you for it.
Company: Your Best Face
Product: Shaving Cream Skin Care
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