Monday, June 27, 2016

The Art of Degreasing

The Art of Degreasing

At some point when using grease based pomades your going to have remove all that buildup this is commonly known as de-greasing. I’ve seen many methods. Some simple others convoluted and time consuming to say the least. After doing some research by watching videos reading articles and a few weeks of testing I’ve narrowed it down to some easy and simple methods you can follow. Here are the results:

The first method will prove to be economical and easy to do. It’s best to start this process going into the weekend like Friday night or Saturday morning. During my research the two products that come up most often are Groom & Clean and BrylCreem.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cool Daddy-O The Lost Video Review

Company: Deluxe Shaving Co.
Product: Cool Daddy-O Shaving Cream
Founder: Anthony
Location: Woodbridge, Ontario
Website: Deluxe Shaving Co.

A Second look
The Lost Video Review

Around this time last year, I reported on the opening of Deluxe Shaving Co. They have a unique line of shaving cream. Fast forward to present day Anthony has expanded on his product line. Not just selling shaving cream his line now includes Shaving Soaps, and After Shave Balms. Let me start with the shaving soaps. The current offering includes British Green, Deluxe 13, Dolce Vita, Espresso Amaretti, Mods, Light Mods, Rockers, and Speedster. In last years’ article Anthony hinted on Mods and Rockers when I asked him about what future products ideas he might be working on. Also introduced are the aftershave balms but I only see them paired with the shaving cream scents. Again in last years’ article Anthony told me he waits to sees what’s popular before he commits to an aftershave.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Review - CockGrease

Company: Cock n kitten
Product: Cock Grease
Location: Sacramento, CA

The first time I heard about this pomade was six months ago by the actress Julianna Margulies. She was a guest on the Jimmy Fallon show. Julianna was explaining how she was contracted to do a photo shoot in the south of France and they had to make her hair look wet. If they spritz her hair with water it would cause frizzes so they told her about a pomade that would achieve this look called Cock Grease. After they had a good laugh and went to commercial I took the opportunity to google it. I found it's sold in just about every online pomade stores around so I ordered one. You have to admit it’s a funny name for a product plus the company name is a shocker too. They even have a product called beaver cream. Regardless of that your sure to get strange looks when you tell people what you have in your hair.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Review - Stache SoapWorks / George

Company: Stache SoapWorks
Product: George / Shaving Soap
Founder: Erica Salmons
Location: New Bedford, MA
You have to admire Erica. Not long ago I remember her first post to my community, a video from her YouTube channel. During her video you could see some of the technical issues she was experiencing could also see what a great time she was having and was a natural in front of the camera. Post after post her knowledge was growing along with her enthusiasm. Other wet shavers noticed her too and started PIFING and sending her some great products. Soon she had a den full of wet shaving gear like she’s been doing this for years.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Review - Lockhart's Goon Grease

Goon Grease - Citrus Cologne
Goon Grease - Lemon Special Edition

I been using pomades for over a year now and in that time I’ve tried all kinds. Like with shaving soap, I’m now doing the same thing with pomades, collecting. I have to admit the labels are part of the attraction but performance is always paramount. I started out with water based but gradually moved to grease. In the course of a few months my grease collection has grown considerably. The one I’d like to talk about first is Goon Grease which I own two.

The Lockhart’s hale out of Michigan and have created some of the most beloved artisan pomades on the market today. The line is extensive with Clay, Water base and Grease offering Light, Medium and heavy holds. The Goon Grease pomades I own are both heavy hold and are exactly the same ingredients except for the scent. My introduction began with the citrus and cucumber which has a great scent that stays with you the entire day. When I found out about the Special Edition Lemon I just had to have it.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Review - Italian Barber / Milionario

Company: Italian Barber
Product: Milionario
Founder: Joseph & Michael
Location: Ontario, Canada
Wet Shaving can be an exciting hobby it can also get out of hand if you let it. At first you just want to try and use everything which can be fun but before you know it your spending hundreds and in some cases even thousands of dollars. Let's try to remember one of the reasons why you got into this hobby in the first place to save money right? So if your new to wet shaving take my advice and head over to the Italian Barber website. Do a search on shaving soaps and creams under the Italian Barber brand and take a good look around. Great performing products lots to choose from and best of all reasonably priced. Which brings me to my next review of the Italian Barber’s Milionario.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Review - Sweyn Forkbeard Shaving Cream / Cedarwood & Sandalwood

Sweyn Forkbeard
Company: Sweyn Forkbeard
Product: Luxury Shaving Cream / Cedarwood & Sandalwood
Founder: George G.
Location: London England

I was lucky to come across this amazing shaving cream from a tweet a few weeks ago. The post included a picture of a hand crafted luxury wooden box which was perfectly constructed for it. So within a week I had my own tin and some lucky person reading this will have one as well but I’ll talk about that later.