Wet the Face is a growing community where we share our enthusiasm for the art of wet shaving. We have amazing members always eager to help each other whether you're a beginner or a seasoned wet shaver. We would be honored if you join.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap & Talk

Saturday, August 22, 2020
Palmolive Rinfrescante al Menthol

Company: Palmolive
Product: Rinfrescante Shaving Cream
When you think of Palmolive the first thing that comes to my mind is dishwashing liquid. I remember the commercials of the woman soaking her hand in it at the beauty parlor that was back in the 70s. I never really knew about the shaving cream until I started to wet shave and someone sent me a tube of it to try. Just like the commercial I was shocked to find out just how good it was too.
Sometimes companies will make their products slightly differently in other countries. I was sent a tube of Palmolive from Italy called Rinfrescante al Menthol the scent is different and the addition of menthol was the icing on the cake for me the packaging was basically the same, however.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Wet The Face - What's On The Horizon

I wanted to touch base on a few things going forward at Wet The Face. I wanted to let people know of some additions and some returning favorites for the Fall and holiday season this year.
First up we have FaceBook 1K Returning after a long hiatus. This was released right before covid19 and it was an amazing release with having it sell out within 2 1/2 hours. It was pretty amazing. Both the shaving soap and aftershave will be returning the aftershave balm will be a little later on still waiting on labels for that. If all goes well this will be added to the product line all year round.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Straight Razors & The Art Of Shaving
Products: Art of Shaving / Titan Straight Razor
When it comes to straight razors they've always had this certain appeal to me. Ever since I found wet shaving I feel the straight razor users are at the top of this hobby. It takes skill which has to be learned over time because you can do damage to one's face let's be real here this is a dangerous method of shaving considering the options we have today.
They come in all types and with different Grinds, Points, Notches, Materials like Stainless Steel, Carbon, Swedish Steel the list goes on. You also have to be aware of what comes along with being a straight razor user the caring and maintenance of which is just as involved.
I plunged into straight razors early in wet shaving and had joined a group on honing. We gathered in the summer where we had some very well known YouTuber’s all at picnic tables trying their hand at creating a sharp edge on Gold Dollar razors. I had my bag of stones like everyone else and we had personal lessons from some of the top straight razor users. I was doing pretty good not great but pretty good and even when we all left I would practice what I learned for a few weeks more.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Mason Boutique - Vivian A Second Look

I remember back in early 2016 I spoke to Jenny Marting from Mason Boutique. I told her how I loved the artwork on her products and wanted to review one of her shaving soaps. After some emails back and forth she agreed and I wrote that review which still gets plenty of traffic. Her soap gained so much attention it raced right to the top of many wet shavers lists but that was 5 years ago and so much has changed since then.
Today you can’t buy these shaving soaps under Mason Boutique nor can you buy them under the Brushguy Etsy store which was her husband's brush shop that’s because they have become what I think you can say exclusive with two companies. How do I know this well it says it right on the brush guy website under a banner which reads Brushguy is taking a short break Note from Shop Owner Feb 12, 2019 “I am now making brushes for West Coast Shaving and Strike Gold Shave.” which I would assume the shaving soaps would most likely follow suit. Which means you can still buy Mason Boutique its just under a different name.
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