Product: Into the Mystic Shaving Soap
Founder: Donald Youngner
Location: Huntington N.Y.
Website: http://www.wettheface.com
During the course of one’s journey in this world music can play a part in pinpointing a time and place in your life. For me when I was in my early teens I was allowed to hang out with my dad when he went bowling. (this was a big deal for me back then). We didn’t get home until really late because it was a Friday Night league. My dad would always spend more time at the bar with his friend that I really liked but that's another story for a later time. It was here that I heard for the very first time Moon Dance when someone played on the jukebox and right then I was hooked on Van Morrison. It was amazing to me how I connect with these songs now. Recently I asked google home to play something as background music for a group of friends we had over and Into the Mystic came on. The room went silent as soon as they heard the first few cords from the guitar all they did was listen until it was over. I understood how powerful this song can be and wanted to produce a shaving soap using the title of the song but what sent should I pick? Then it came to me Cool Water by Davidoff and so last month I set out to create the soap and aftershave and here it is.
Instead of writing how great I think this shaving soap is I’d rather have you watch the video. So
please click the link below and enjoy a few minutes of me demoing my latest creation and let
me know what you think.
Don – Wet The Face
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